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Retronaut Webring

What's This? A NEW POST??

ALRIGHT! Another blog/news post whatever the fuck this is. There isn’t a theme to this one, it isn’t any introduction, or a post to explain what the point of this site is, I’m just going to say shit until a point comes up. And if the point ends up being one of the two from up there? Then I was wrong. The point is: this doesn’t have an explicit theme to it.

Alright, anyways I got this entire thing to fill out and I don’t know how long this is going to be so why not start with something easy? I never actually got to the introduction earlier, but to be fair if you’re at this site, chances are you already know me. Either way, I’m Jaiden, but you can call me Jade. I’m into homestuck, undertale/deltarune, vast error… a lot of things actually.

That being said, the point of this site is to actually function as a SITE. Much like BLOODBATHSPITE’s site, there will be more for you to do around here than just read boring posts from someone you don’t even know who thinks they have something important to say.

Alright, I suppose I did end up talking about topics I said this wasn’t going to be about. Whatever. That just means they needed to be explored and fleshed out! In any case, I think that’s enough yapping from me for a good while. I’ll try to set up some other areas in the site!

Holy shit it's the Jaiden

Alright. You know what time it is. It's time for an introduction, isn't it?
SO, as you might have figured out, the site is under construction and yeah, looks kinda like a certain someone's site, but I swear it'll change quite soon! (specifically the background and possibly the borders. Outright layout is absolutely fine for now.)

Either way, welcome! I suppose this front page will act as a news/blog area while everywhere else will be general shit.
God I need to add graphics.